Bri Edwards - Shoe Relief....... [Shoe Misery; Humor; Good Foot Etiquette]

2014-06-17 10

You’ve heard before “My shoes are killing me! ” and “Boy my feet are sore”,
but have you ever thought of what it’s like,...... for the SHOES which pound the floor?

“Dang! ” said the right shoe when the kid kicked a sharp rock in a fit,
and “Yuck! ” said the left shoe when the jogger slipped on shit.

“Good grief” cried out the pair of shoes when the dirty feet began to sweat.
And, at mile 42 of a 50-mile hike, the hiking shoes said “Aren’t we there YET? ”

Yes, your shoes take a beating from you; at times they endure a horrid smell.
If shoes could really speak, they might say “You put us through Shoe Hell! ”

So humans, wash your feet AND socks, and watch out where you step.
If you have respect for shoes, and give them relief,.... then they will have more pep.

Bri Edwards